Author's posts
Mar 13 2011
Kimani, Joyce, and Michael’s mother dies
Kimani, Joyce, and Michael’s mother dies Unfortunately death is a part of daily life in Kenya. There are far too many people who die prematurely due to preventable diseases as infant mortality, TB, malaria, and AIDS. Kimani, Joyce, and Michael’s mother recently died after a long illness. Under the circumstances the kids are doing …
Jan 30 2011
Two more kids in school!
Two more kids in school! Recently two kids from Matunda were able to start school! Kimani and Joyce are being sponsored to make this possible. And that for just €30 per month. It started with a visit to the public school close to Matunda, then registering, getting a uniform and books, etc. Patricia and …
Jan 09 2011
Cookies and shoes
Cookies and shoes Our cookie sale at Christmas was a huge success! Marianne and two lady friends baked more than 700, and they were quickly gone. The idea was a trial run for this year, which is why not everyone knew about it. With this money, the kids and the cook all will receive new …
Dec 04 2010
Rainy season
Rainy season The end of the year rainy season in Kenya and it can be quite wet! It doesn’t often rain all day, but is does regularly. The center has an earthen floor, with a piece of linoleum over it, and outside it’s bare ground that can get awfully muddy. The kids are then …
Nov 21 2010
Daily life at Matunda
Daily life at Matunda At the end of her time in Kenya, Marianne spent another week at Matunda. One of the mothers cooks now every day for the children. In the morning they attend class, while in the afternoon they do their homework and then play. The kids are very curious and eager to learn. …
Nov 07 2010
In the meantime
In the meantime Patricia and Fredd are now on their own again – no white people around. They are being helped by Fredd’s sister Agnes, and a mother who helps with cooking. The responsibilities of all involved are clearer. Agnes will also be helping, so that Patricia can do other things, such as visiting …
Oct 07 2010
We carry on
We carry on The last few days we have talked with two contractors about building. We had also been checking on the prices of corrugated metal sheeting (with an option of bricks – clearly more expensive), wood, anchoring poles, and cement. With that information we can better judge what we hear from contractors. We …
Sep 30 2010
We’re on the move
We’re on the move In the meantime, we’ve visited several agencies and offices, talked a lot with Patricia and Fredd, family members and others involved, and of course kept involved with the children. Everything does move a little bit (sometimes more than a bit) here. The climate is not that warm, even though Kenya …
Sep 23 2010
Arrival in Nairobi
Arrival in Nairobi We started immediately on arrival at Matunda with talking about everything related to the project, the planning for the next couple of weeks, and of course where we want to go in the future. Much to be done! With the leadership of son Bob and his girlfriend Charlotte, we worked on …
Aug 29 2010
In the air!
In the air! This evening we got the Dutch version of the announcement of the site and the start of donations out. As many friends, family members, acquaintances, and anyone else we could think of got an e-mail newsletter, also asking them to send it on to people they know so we can reach …