You can help support these kids. Your help is extremely necessary and very much appreciated!
Any amount you may want to donate is very welcome and will be used solely for Matunda. Of course, a continuing means of support (monthly, yearly) is the most efficient for Matunda and the kids.
What we need
The largest part of the money we receive is used for salaries, food, maintenance, and the daily necessities. This amounts to around €500 ($525) per month.
While elementary education is “free” in Kenya, there are still costs involved. Uniforms are required, with other costs for shoes, registration, food, books, notebooks, etc. The monthly costs of food at school, activities, books, etc. run around €25 ($27.50) per month.
There is the possibility of sponsoring a child to be able to go to school. For a onetime fee of €75 ($82.50) for the initial costs (uniform, registration, books, etc.) and €25 ($27.50) a month, you can send a child to school – a “luxury” that the child would otherwise not have. The monthly costs are a total of €300 (~$330) a year.
And more…
We are always looking for laptops (with Windows 10), digital cameras, and smartphones (preferably with charger). That which we don’t use directly in Kenya will be sold and the profit goes to Matunda.
Bank accounts
Please contact us for bank account information to make a donation in the U.S.
In The Netherlands the account number is NL81 ABNA 0574 0931 17
Matunda Orphans Community Center
ABN-AMRO Oosterhout
SEPA – NL81 ABNA 0574 0931 17
Should you wish to transfer money directly into the account in Kenya, please contact us for that information. The costs can be prohibitive outside of Kenya, so check that first!