We’re on the move



We’re on the move

In the meantime, we’ve visited several agencies and offices, talked a lot with Patricia and Fredd, family members and others involved, and of course kept involved with the children.

Everything does move a little bit (sometimes more than a bit) here. The climate is not that warm, even though Kenya is on the equator. Hakuna matata! (No worries.)

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Arrival in Nairobi



Arrival in Nairobi

We started immediately on arrival at Matunda with talking about everything related to the project, the planning for the next couple of weeks, and of course where we want to go in the future. Much to be done!

With the leadership of son Bob and his girlfriend Charlotte, we worked on the plan for shorter and longer term. Of course it’s difficult to plan with so many options: rental versus buying, now or later with building, sending the kids to public schools or teaching them ourselves (most of the kids don’t attend school at all now), food for the kids(what about siblings) and also for the family that can’t afford to feed them, medical care, etc. We were continually trying to cover as many bases as possible, considering all variants possible, looking for the best solutions.

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In the air!



In the air!

This evening we got the Dutch version of the announcement of the site and the start of donations out. As many friends, family members, acquaintances, and anyone else we could think of got an e-mail newsletter, also asking them to send it on to people they know so we can reach as many people as possible. All are asked to have a look at the site and consider a donation for Matunda.

We’re also preparing our trip to Kenya, with many extra suitcases (around ten people each get at least one extra suitcase), and used laptops go with as carry-on luggage!

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That’s done!


That’s done!

We got it! A couple of days ago we received a letter from the Chamber of Commerce with our registration (required by law for all businesses – which includes non-profits). And today the letter arrived with our fiscal registration number and exemption from sales and income tax.

In true tradition of the tax department, de letter was almost unreadable, and was geared to several possibilities, most of which were not relevant to our situation. A telephone call to that same tax office did give us the good news – we are exempted.





The wonders of technology allow us what seems like unlimited possibilities, but that technology has to be paid for. The electronic contact with Patricia and Fredd is primarily by e-mail and Facebook. (How did people ever get things done pre-Facebook/e-mail/internet/Skype?!)

They are dependent on a prepaid account to be able to get on the internet (a contract is too expensive), and it took awhile to find the correct modem for the laptop computer that Marianne and Bob had taken to them in June.

With the little bit of money that is coming in we can at least get the kids some food and get airtime for the internet. It certainly makes communication easier.





We’ve been at it now for several months, with an important point being reached today that we are now an official foundation (non-profit) in The Netherlands. The signatures were placed by Marianne Pfeifle as chair, Connie Raaijmakers secretary, and Charlotte Abrahamsen the treasurer.

There is still a lot to be done, but we have passed the first administrative hurdle. Now we can register with the Chamber of Commerce and get an official registration number with tax department. Both of these are required by law. The next step is then to be officially exempted from sales and income tax.



Marianne and son Bob came back today from a short (five days) journey to Nairobi and Matunda. There they saw Patricia and Fredd in action and were able to talk a lot about the project, the possibilities, and the responsibilities for the future.

There were plenty of things to be discussed that had not already been done by e-mail and Skype. The most important question was whether all of us could make Matunda work. That means being up to getting the job done there, helping to keep it inspired and moving from here, and, of course, financing it all.

It was clear that everyone was enthusiastic, hopeful, and ready to go! Patricia is in charge of the daily work and Fredd will help for good and cheap (bulk) buying of food and other articles, and networking with government agencies, churches, and other organizations.

The beginning



The beginning

For the last several months we have busy with the idea of helping Matunda from The Netherlands and the USA. It is an existing Kenyan project, established and run by local people in the ghetto Soweto Kayole.

We met Patricia and Fredd when we were on holiday in Kenya. We already had made new friends with several other people, including the driver/guide and the owner of the small travel agency, and later their families. One thing came to another, which led to our discovering Matunda Orphans’ Community Center.

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