We’re on the move



We’re on the move

In the meantime, we’ve visited several agencies and offices, talked a lot with Patricia and Fredd, family members and others involved, and of course kept involved with the children.

Everything does move a little bit (sometimes more than a bit) here. The climate is not that warm, even though Kenya is on the equator. Hakuna matata! (No worries.)

An important point has been the discussion on whether to add on or build. The existing structure is made of corrugated metal sheets and is about 10 by 10 feet. Unfortunately it’s a patchwork of leftover smaller pieces of sheeting.

With the existing outside wall we considered adding two walls to create a bigger building, but if you consider that that outside looks about the same as the building, we considered three walls. Then, considering the state of the existing building, we might just as well replace everything.

The plan was growing; the building would then be about 30 by 10 feet, and would get a cement floor. The floor is necessary to keep bugs out, and to maintain the image that we don’t sit on the ground and of cleanliness.

The people in the area are also sensitive to image, making us a role model. We want them and the children to be proud of Matunda and what it stands for.

We had hoped that the owner, the elderly lady who lives in the back of the grounds, would be willing to sell, giving us more room for play, and more possible room for building the future. Unfortunately, she doesn’t want to sell, not even if she would get the guarantee that she could continue living there.

So we’re still stuck in the dilemma now of whether to build something now, or just wait until we have something else, including the funds to pay for it. At the moment, we are leaning towards the last option.

There is good reason to wait until the project is running well and then build. It should first prove itself, but on the other hand, we want the children to have a good shelter that they can be proud of and learn about a “different life”.