All the children did well in school this year. Meshack was able to start high school, due to a new sponsor. Joseph and Mark were also able to start preschool.
Joyce went to a different high school this year, as she was convinced the old one was a bad environment, due to drugs and a bad crowd. Unfortunately she later dropped out and disappeared, later in the year showing up again, but did not go back to school.
It was not a good year as far as teenage pregnancies is concerned. Lucy had a baby, but later went back to high school. She later dropped out again.
Rose was back in high school during her pregnancy, but later dropped out. She was given the chance to finish her final exams, but chose not to do so.
Brenda also was pregnant, but was allowed to continue in school. After delivery of a healthy girl, she was continued her schooling and is doing well. It’s difficult for her, but with the help of others, including Mercy at Matunda, it’s working out for her.
A couple of kids had ringworm, but that was taken care of quickly. The kids are otherwise healthy.
Mercy has been trying to get birth certificates for those kids that don’t have them. This is a requirement to go to school.
There has been no word from the board on meetings, help at Matunda or efforts to improve the situation, in spite of requests from our side.
Financieel jaarverslag 2018